فهرست مطالب

فصلنامه علوم حدیث
سال بیست و هشتم شماره 2 (پیاپی 108، تابستان 1402)
- تاریخ انتشار: 1402/08/17
- تعداد عناوین: 9
صفحات 3-23
شاخت و ینبل در تاریخ گذاری احادیث از استدلال برهان سکوت بهره برده اند. برخی این استدلال را ذیل مغالطات دسته بندی می کنند. با این تفسیر از برهان سکوت، کاربرد آن در تحقیقات خاورشناسان جای شگفتی دارد. این نوشتار بر آن است با ارایه تفسیرهای دوگانه از برهان سکوت ابعاد آن را نمایان سازد. در تفسیر نخست از برهان سکوت، شرایط سه گانه استدلال دسترسی نویسنده به اطلاعات، قصد نویسنده برای توصیف کامل وضعیت و اهمیت بالای پدیده نقش اساسی را برعهده دارند. برهان سکوت تنها در صورت فراهم نبودن این شرایط در زمره مغالطات جای خواهد گرفت. در تفسیر دوم، برهان سکوت به استنتاج بهترین تبیین بازمی گردد. بر این اساس نادرستی تصویر شاخت و ینبل از خاستگاه تاریخی احادیث روشن گردید. کلی گویی و تعمیم نتایج جزیی به همه احادیث از آسیب های مطالعات تاریخی حدیث است که تنها با جزیی نگری و روش استقرایی برطرف خواهد شد.
کلیدواژگان: برهان سکوت، استنتاج بهترین تبیین، تاریخ گذاری احادیث، شاخت، ینبل، خاورشناسان -
صفحات 24-51با توجه به فاصله زمانی صدور روایات تاکنون، احتمال جعل و تغییر برخی واژگان احادیث قوت می یابد. لذا باید جهت درک مقصود کلام معصومین، از الگویی مناسب برای تحلیل و فهم روایات استفاده گردد. این پژوهش با روش «تحلیل محتوا» خوانش جدیدی از روایات ناظر به جامعیت قرآن که مشعر به علم ایمه به «ما کان و ما یکون» در "الکافی" آمده را ارایه نماید. نتیجه آن که: الف: از مجموع 6 روایت، تنها یک روایت مرتبط با بحث جامعیت قرآن و علم ایمه بوده که مویدات روایی در"الکافی" و بعضی کتب روایی دارد که زنجیروار به یکدیگر متصلند؛ گویی وحدت زمانی، مکانی و صدوری دارند. ب: ماده"علم" و واژه "کتاب" بیشترین فراوانی در این گونه روایات دارد. ج:عامل اصلی صدور این روایات سوق دادن مردم به سمت اهل بیت در تقابل با رای و قیاس است؛ که به تدریج طرفداران زیادی یافت.کلیدواژگان: _ تحلیل محتوا، علم ما کان و ما یکون، جامعیت قرآن، _ الکافی
صفحات 52-70در کتاب الارشاد، قضاوتی از علی علیه السلام پیرامون نزاع دو زن بر سر مادری یک کودک گزارش شده. پژوهش پیش رو، در پی این است که با ارایه ی شواهدی بر اساس رویکرد تطبیقی، نشان دهد این گزارش یک داستان غیر واقعی و در زمره ی داستان های فولکلور است. ابتدا با بررسی واژه «عامه و خاصه» که شیخ مفید این گزارش را به آنان نسبت داده، ادعای ادبیات عامه بودن گزارش تقویت شده. سپس نشان داده شده این داستان با همین ریخت و ساختار، در عهد عتیق که پیش از اسلام تدوین گردیده به حضرت سلیمان منتسب شده. در ادامه نیز با بررسی یک متن آلمانی، این گمانه به قوت می رسد که نسخه ی علوی داستان مانند بسیاری از نسخه های دیگر آن در ملل مختلف، داستانی عامیانه است.کلیدواژگان: قضاوت علوی، الارشاد، عامه و خاصه، ادبیات عامه، عهد عتیق، گریسمن
صفحات 71-97رجال کشی با گزینش شیخ طوسی با نام «اختیار معرفه الرجال» در اختیار ما قرار گرفته است. قراین حاکی است که گزینش طوسی به مفقود شدن پاره ای از محتوای رجال کشی انجامیده است.گزارش هایی از نسخه گزینش شده، در برخی منابع پسین امامیه موجود است. از انبوه منابع اهل سنت تنها لسان المیزان عسقلانی از رجال کشی مطالبی را نقل کرده، در حالیکه اکثر گزارش های عسقلانی، در اختیار معرفه الرجال موجود نمی باشد. پژوهش حاضر در پی پاسخ به دو سوال سامان یافته، نخست بررسی وجود/ عدم نسخه ای از اصل رجال کشی نزد عسقلانی و دوم بررسی منابع احتمالی عسقلانی از منبعی غیر از رجال کشی در نقل از او. این جستار با روش تحلیلی و رویکرد کتابخانه ای با جمع بندی شواهدی به این گزاره متمایل شده که اصل رجال کشی نزد عسقلانی بوده و او در لسان المیزان از آن استفاده کرده، ولی شواهد دستیافته این مطلب را به طور کامل اثبات نمی کند.کلیدواژگان: رجال کشی، لسان المیزان، عسقلانی، شیخ طوسی
صفحات 98-127
صفحات 149-173
- ه.
صفحات 174-195
صفحات 196-221
Pages 3-23
Pages 24-51Due to the time interval between the issuance of narrations so far, the possibility of forging and changing some words of hadiths increases. Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of the words of the Infallibles, a suitable model should be used to analyze and understand the narrations. This research with the method of "content analysis" to present a new reading of the narrations regarding the comprehensiveness of the Qur'an, which refer to the knowledge of the Imams to "We are and we are one" in "Al-Kafi". The result is that: A: Out of a total of 6 narrations, only one narration is related to the discussion of the comprehensiveness of the Qur'an and the knowledge of the Imams, which has narrations in Al-Kafi and some narration books that are connected in chains; It is as if they have a unity of time, place and export. B: The article "science" and the word "book" have the highest frequency in such narrations. A: The main reason for issuing these narrations is to lead people to the Ahl al-Bayt in opposition to opinion and analogy; Which gradually gained a lot of fans.Keywords: Content Analysis, our knowledge is, we are one, comprehensiveness of Quran, Al-Kafi
Pages 52-70In the book Al-Irshad, Ali's judgment is reported about a dispute between two women over the motherhood of a child. The present study seeks to provide evidence based on a comparative approach to show that this report is an unreal story and a folk tale. First, by study the words "Ammah and Khassah" to which Sheikh Mofid attributed this report, the claim that the report's folktale is strengthened. It is then shown that this story, with the same form and structure, is attributed to Solomon in the Tanakh, which was compiled before Islam. Examining a German text, the thoght that the Alavi version of the story, like many other versions in different nations, is a folk tale, is strengthened.Keywords: Alavi judgment, Al-Irshad, Ammah, Khassah, Folklore, Tanakh, Gressmann
Pages 71-97Rijal Al-Kashi by choosing Sheikh Tusi by name Ikhtiar Marefat Al-Rijal is at our disposal. Evidence suggests that al-Tusi's method of selection led to the disappearance of some of the content of the assassination. Reports of the selected version are available in some later Imami sources. Of the multitude of Sunni sources, only Lisan Al-Mizan Asqalani has quoted content from Rijal al-Kashi, while most of the Asqalani’s reports in Ikhtiar Marefat Al-Rijal does not exist. Some contemporaries have offered comments that are worth pondering. The present study seeks to answer two questions, 1. Did Asqalani have a copy of the principle of Rijal Al-Kashi? 2. Or did Asqalani quote from a source other than Rijal Al-Kashi? This research with an analytical method and library approach By summarizing the evidence, inclined to the statement that original Rijal Al-Kashi Has been available to Asqalani, And he used it in the Lisan Al-Mizan, But the evidence obtained does not fully substantiate this.Keywords: Rijal Al Kashi, Lisan Al Mizan, Asqalani, Sheikh Tusi
Pages 98-127
From the past until now, conflicting opinions have been expressed about the interpretation attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.); Some thinkers consider the book as the subject, and have specified it; And some scholars have considered the book as authentic. Considering these controversies and especially the problem of attributing Tafsir to Imams Askari (AS), this question arises: What is the originality of Tafsir Askari's book? What is the validity of this book? Can there be any reasons for not attributing or attributing the interpretation to the Askarian imams (a.s.)? The present research, specifically, during the preliminary process, has dealt with the citation measurement and validation of the interpretation attributed to Imam Askari (a.s.). The result of the research shows that, for various reasons, this interpretation is not valid and it is not from the Imams of Askarin (AS); Like: 1- Tafsir not being famous among Imamiyyah until the 6th century. 2- Lack of recognition of the commentary and its narrator in indexes and translations. 3- Legal and documentary problems, such as the difference in the interpretation version of the document. 4- Inconsistency of narrators' stories with Imam Askari (AS). 5- Tafsir not being used by Imami scholars.
Keywords: Tafsir Askari, Hasan bin Ali, Atrosh, Agtan, Imam Hadi (a.s.), Sadouq -
Pages 128-148
In a comparative analysis of the causes and contexts of different readings of the jurists of Najaf and Qom schools from the hadiths of Velayat-e-Faqih, four main factors are obtained, which are: 1. Textualism 2. Customary explanation of texts 3. Concrete ijtihad 4. Criteria of Sharia intentions in Qom school. 1. Central industry 2. Rational realization and multiplication of probabilities 3. Mathematical division 4. Lack of criterion of Sharia intentions in Najaf school. A case study of the hadiths of Velayat-e-Faqih shows that in the thought of Ayatollah Khoei school, these hadiths fail to prove the absolute authority of Velayat-e-Faqih.But the same narrations in the school of jurisprudence of Qom prove the leadership of the leadership for the jurist
Keywords: Hadiths of Velayat-e-Faqih, Najaf School, Qom School, Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Khoei -
Pages 149-173
The ingress of Israʼiliyyat to Islamic sources was an unpleasant phenomenon which involved most of the Islamic educations. The trust of Muslim narrators to Jewish sources and people was efficacious in the spread and ingress of Israʼiliyyat to Islamic sources. One of the Islamic educational contexts that Israʼiliyyat entered in and caused fabrication is Mahdism. This article uses Hadith and historical sources and analysis in order to proceed the two political aspects of these fabrications and Israeli sources. The first aspect is the connection between Israeli narrators or Muslim narrators who were influenced by Israʼiliyyat and their contemporaneous politicians, and their search for making apocalyptical narrated things that benefit those politicians. The second aspect is the struggle of Israeli narrators in ascending the Jewish and Christian politics by quoting apocalyptical things to present the crucial concepts, places and symbols of Israel. Different kinds of fabricated quotations and narrated things can be studied in the two aspects above.
Keywords: Mahdism. Politic, Israʼiliyyat, Apocalypse, Fabricated Hadiths, Bible -
Pages 174-195
As the language of Hadiths (similar to the common code) bears advantages compared to the common words of the people besides bearing divine instructions, their reading and understanding require particular reflection concerning the coinage and application of the words. In the language of Hadiths where the fundamental structure is comprised of the lexical meaning and the common code, words constructed by Islam and the prophetic sharia can be observed; thus, rhetorical structures like rhetorical simile and trope (in its various forms including metaphor and allusion) are commonly found in them. As a vanguard Usuli of the Mutaakhirin Era, Allamah investigated the Arabic vocabulary in several works like “Nihayat al-Wusul Ila Ilm al-Usul” and analyzed the typology of words concerning meaning during their coinage and application. The current study aimed to explain the most fundamental types of words and investigate the role of such differences and their influence in understanding Hadiths according to Allamah. Thus, the results showed that paying attention to the type of words applied in Hadiths leads to understanding them accurately and correctly, but ignoring such typologies during their interpretation causes their misunderstanding.
Keywords: Word typology, Understanding Hadiths, Allamah Al-Hilli -
Pages 196-221
attention is paid to why the text is produced.in this regard, in the present research,with a descriptive-analytical approach based on the model of critical discourse analysis of Norman Farklaf,an attempt is made to analyze the critical discourse-analysis of Imam Ali's prayers in the three levels of description,interpretation and explanation.And while examining the literary aspects of prayers,to analyze the dominant and hidden discourses of the text, which have received less attention.At the level of description,in sentences with news aspects, she expressed the discourse situation with certainty and certainty,which shows the extent of the author's commitment to the propositions.And this text is a decisive tool to send a message. In some phrases, the author's intention is not to motivate the audience,but it shows a kind of expectation,regret and sadness. This research triesto answerthese two questions,which are the most important topics raisedin Shabaniye prayersbasedon the theory ofNorman Fairclough.And howwas Imam able toconvey these issues using words? The resultsof this researchshow that the dominantideologyin thediscourse is summarizedin the topic of enjoining the goodand forbidding thebad,buildingand educating the individual and society,knowing God and enlightening the public opinion.
Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, the prayers of shabaniya, Imam Ali (ع), Noramn fairclogh